关于 one year after the University was founded in 1850, 罗彻斯特 adopted its beloved motto, Meliora–Latin for “ever better.“有几个 years later, the first 校园 was built on eight acres of dandelion-covered牧场. 今天,我们的座右铭和我们的蒲公英是 ever present as tributes to our past and emblems of 罗彻斯特’s 特立独行的精神.
的 idea for the motto is credited to Asahel Kendrick, professor 19世纪大学里的希腊语课. 它可能 源自奥维德 变形, 第七卷,行 20-21:“视频视频,问题。...,意思是“我看得更清楚。 事情,并批准...”
的 dandelion reflects the 罗彻斯特 spirit of perseverance. In 1853, Azariah Boody donated eight acres of pastures on his East Avenue estate to the University, which became the Prince Street 校园. 根据传说,肥沃的牧场 resulted in a proliferation of dandelions and led to the 花被采纳为校徽.
Rocky is based on the yellowjacket wasp common in North America. Since its creation in the mid-1920s, the mascot has been portrayed in a range of styles, from club-wielding to cuddly. 的 current version debuted in 2008 to better reflect the fierce 我们的黄背心运动员的竞争精神.
As a community, we cherish long-held customs and embrace 建立使我们团结起来的新传统的机会.
One of the University’s oldest traditions, the Boar’s Head 晚宴始于1934年,每年12月举行. 的 dinner recalls the spirit of English court dinners, such as those served at Queen's College, Oxford University, during the 中世纪.
Tunnel travel has been a way of life on the River Campus since 30年代早期. 伊士曼广场隧道的粉刷开始于 the 1970s and is a way for student organizations to announce 活动和提高意识.
Celebrated each fall, first-year and incoming students get to 参与社区服务项目. 向事件致敬 大学捐助者和慈善家约瑟夫C. 威尔逊 ’31, who founded Xerox, and George Eastman, Kodak’s founder.
在澳门威尼斯人网上赌场用烤棉花糖来迎接冬天 watching the live ice-carving demonstration while taking in 学生表演.
在这个第一天晚上的传统中,即将到来的班级 surrounds the Eastman Quad to learn about the institution’s 烛光下的历史和传统.
步行风险自负! 传说如果你从下面走过 the clock tower in Dandelion Square, something dreadful will 发生. 这是解除诅咒的唯一方法? 把橡子扔给 the statue of George Eastman on the quad and have it land in 他的帽檐.
Immediately following the Convocation ceremony, students sign the class roll to symbolically join the University community. Class rolls are preserved in Rush Rhees Library and displayed 毕业典礼和同学聚会.
Founded in 2001, Meliora周末 combines reunion, family 周末,还有返校活动. 每年秋天, we welcome home alumni, parents, students, faculty, 工作人员, and friends of the University to experience a weekend full 的事件.
体验美利奥拉周末毕业典礼标志着我们学生的 efforts—and the start of their new journey as graduates. 学生们聚集在福弗体育场参加全校范围的活动 ceremony full of pomp and circumstance that is distinctly 罗彻斯特.